Description: Branded advertising campaign and interactive concepts for patient side awareness of VUR.
Challenge: To concept and create a campaign that raised the bar for engagement, that also tied into the existing HCP campaign which left little to be desired. The existing child shots had to be used on both campaigns. The HCP half of the equation was to be redesigned as well.
Tactics: The client wanted something different from the normal pharma website, so we created a parallax scrolling site that was completely mobile friendly/responsive.
Role: Concepting, lead design, art direction, web/mobile UI design, spec and asset production.
Skills: Fireworks CS6, Photoshop CS6, Illustrator CS6, FLash CS6.
Collaborators: Joe Marcoux, ECD. April Moore, CD. Pat Morrisey, ACD Copy. Victor Gonzalez, ACD. David Karl, AD. JT Dumproff and Tiffany Allen, AAD. Michelle Boone, Eric Bannister and Quincy Brown, freelance. Jon Williams, freelance development.